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As our company is specialized in the provision of services, it is interesting to know the opinion of our Internet users concerning a practice that we carry out permanently: recruitment.



A survey was carried out by CodinGame and CoderPad for more than a month and a half at the end of 2021. CodinGame is a site dedicated to fun computer programming, which offers several features such as: puzzles of progressive difficulty to solve in one of the twenty-five programming languages ​​available, or multi-player artificial intelligence games, as well as problem-solving challenges in a given time. The CodinPad section in the CodinGame for Work solution provides technical tests to assess the skills of developers, if possible live. The survey collected responses from nearly 14,000 developers from 131 countries.

First, after a difficult period in which many companies froze salaries and hiring at the best of times, more than 53% of recruiters will have a larger budget for recruiting developers in 2022 than in 2021. It was necessary to resume the pre-crisis rhythm in order to compensate for these freezes.


57% of recruiters say they are ready to do without the CV in the recruitment process.

We know that a recruiter can be attracted by the fact of choosing a person leaving a school with a certain reputation: the halo effect illustrates precisely this scenario. Of course, this leaving aside a candidate who is more qualified for the position but with a different academic background. The goal then with the “recruitment without CV” process is to reduce this cognitive bias as much as possible. But it should be noted that more than one in three developers admitted not having learned programming at university.


Companies are looking for skills…

How will they then recruit? It is important to remember that the latter are having more and more difficulty finding qualified candidates. Since 2020, “Identifying potential even if the candidate’s skills do not exactly match our criteria” has jumped from 8th place to 2nd” indicates the study; technical skills are limited. It is for this reason that the majority of companies are currently investing in updating skills.

But 30% of developers believe it’s also difficult to showcase their personality and soft skills remotely, this number remains relatively low, probably because more than 70% of developers favor remote work – full or partial and that they do not consider soft skills as essential skills.

According to the CodinGame survey, “both developers (77%) and recruiters (76%) agree that skills testing and hands-on technical interviews – where candidates are asked to solve code problems – are the best way to ascertain a candidate’s level of competence”. This practice would also promote diversity within the teams.

On the other hand, it is the Europeans who seem the most reluctant to traditional methods, since 40% of them answered that they would not give up CVs. They are closely followed by Oceania, unlike South American recruiters who are the most open to this possibility, followed by the Asian continent.


And you? What do you think of recruitment without a CV?

Answer in the comments of the LinkedIn post!

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