Quick Source


07, Rue Lacuée 75012 Paris


+33 (0)1 44 730 750


Whether it is a custom development, the redesign of an existing site or the implementation of a CMS (content management system), e-commerce, intranet or extranet, mobile or SEO, we will offer you elaborate and pragmatic technical solutions. Thanks to a team having a great experiment, knowing to be reactive and with your listening, Quick Source is able to offer the most relevant services to you.


Based on professional open source solutions (Prestashop), our e-commerce sites are manageable by our customers (management of the product catalog, prices, promotions, possible destocking), with back-offices (administration interfaces) easy to use.
This high quality technical base allows us to take into account all the specificities of your products and your activity. For example, we can interface with your logistics management system for storage and transport, or allow your customers to customize your products.

Design & ergonomy

We also attach a lot of importance to the design, the ergonomics and the navigation of your site. All your interlocutors at Quick Source will be force of proposal, by taking into account your wishes and by accompanying you in the last visual tendencies. The integration of your design in HTML5/CSS3 will be done in the respect of the W3C standards, and will be enriched if necessary with Javascript and Ajax.

Recognized tools, guaranteed scalability

The choice of a major open source CMS will guarantee you flexibility and durability. Quick Source works in particular with Joomla! and WordPress, two reference CMS. Joomla! and WordPress offer a large number of modules to extend the functionality of the CMS. We can also develop modules that will meet your specific business needs. Quick Source will bring you its expertise in order to guarantee the quality of your site, and to ensure its capacity of evolution.

Technologies used

Some examples of credentials...

Art & Patrimoine

Art et patrimoine brings together business leaders specializing in the creation, management and restoration of heritage.

Cover avocats

Cover Avocats is a law firm specializing in business law.

Volume et matières

Volume et Matières is an interior design agency based in Paris.
Our client wanted a fully customized website that would take up the codes of several types of websites such as blogs, showcase sites or real estate agencies.
From a flat and uncluttered design to a management of the quality/display speed ratio due to numerous photos of several megabytes, this website has now become a simple, efficient and beautiful means of expression for the agency.


Bergeral is an expert in the realization of real estate projects in Martinique and in Ile de France. 

Bangui groupe

Bangui Group composed of no less than 8 companies (and as many websites made by Quick Source) wanted a harmonization of the graphic charter of the websites of the companies composing it.
A single page application (SPA) presenting all the relevant and unique aspects of each of the group’s business units is thus available.
The sites in question are the following:
Egpr | Hti-Em | CDRE | JCMRS | Bangui | Sopar | Tapis François
All sites are still maintained and secured by Quick Source.


Soldis is specialized in the distribution of floors and walls. The company wanted its online store to take into account several specificities such as the calculation of prices based on square meters and a system set up so that the site manager can integrate its products by importing files. The client was given an aesthetic and practical site in order to handle it in an ergonomic way.


Udirev, part of Soldis, is of course also specialized in the field of floors, more precisely in coating, had similar demands to Soldis. On Udirev, the difference was that the orders were more between professionals.

Vision store

This company is, as you can deduce by its name, an optical store that provides all types of glasses. They wanted a presence on the web but not as a merchant site, rather as a showcase site to present their stores. It was then necessary for them to realize a visual commercial approach in order to show to the customer all the possibilities that he had with this optical chain, in term of localization and brands.

For more information or any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us!