Quick Source


07, Rue Lacuée 75012 Paris


+33 (0)1 44 730 750

Custom App Development

Our health offer is based on the development of software for the health sector, including elements of computerization of specialized data, automatic calculation of scores, diagnostic assistance, automated production of documents, educational aids…

These softwares aim at :

  • federate all the professions involved within specialized units,
  • promote exchanges between hospital staff and prescribing laboratories,
  • improve patient flow,
  • control the medical data and make the information reliable,
  • refocus on the original businesses,
  • optimize searches,
  • standardize medical practices.

Benefits of the Quick Source Health offer

Why trust the Quick Source health offer?

We use a standardized base, allowing for rapid, efficient and cost-effective development, benefit from technical and functional know-how based on IT personnel qualified in the development of healthcare solutions and proven experience in the development of custom software for large groups.

Our softwares

Our credentials

Tracking OTEN International

The transport company Otec International asked Quick Source to set up its tracking system. This allows the sender to retrieve the delivery slip signed by the recipient in PDF.


For the 5th edition of the HandiChat operation, Interneto called on Quick Source to redesign the HandiChat.fr event site. For a week, the site broadcasts shows from the show live and on video. True Web TV, broadcasting live 11 hours a day, the site allows the active participation of Internet users before and during broadcasts. The integration and development of this 2012 version were carried out under Drupal.

For more information or any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us!